Lithuania 1941–1945

Lithuania 1941–1945
Showing 9 items
Army helper's (Lithuanian) dog tag (half) Germany 1933–1945 Army helper's (Lithuanian) dog tag (half) Germany 1933–1945

Army helper's (Lithuanian) dog tag (half)

€ 59.00

Ex Tax: € 59.00

Army helper's (Lithuanian) dog tag (half) Germany 1933–1945 Army helper's (Lithuanian) dog tag (half) Germany 1933–1945

Army helper's (Lithuanian) dog tag (half)

€ 59.00

Ex Tax: € 59.00

Document group of a Sr. Criminal Asst. from Memel Germany 1933–1945 Document group of a Sr. Criminal Asst. from Memel Germany 1933–1945
P. Plechavičius's letter on the creation of LTDF Germany 1933–1945 P. Plechavičius's letter on the creation of LTDF Germany 1933–1945
Photo of Vilnius Cathedral and the flag of Nazi Germany Germany 1933–1945 Photo of Vilnius Cathedral and the flag of Nazi Germany Germany 1933–1945
Photo of Vilnius Cathedral, Lithuania Germany 1933–1945 Photo of Vilnius Cathedral, Lithuania Germany 1933–1945

Photo of Vilnius Cathedral, Lithuania

€ 59.00

Ex Tax: € 59.00

Photo of Vilnius Cathedral, occupied Lithuania Germany 1933–1945 Photo of Vilnius Cathedral, occupied Lithuania Germany 1933–1945
Photo of Wilna Feldkommandantur, Lithuania Germany 1933–1945 Photo of Wilna Feldkommandantur, Lithuania Germany 1933–1945

Photo of Wilna Feldkommandantur, Lithuania

€ 95.00

Ex Tax: € 95.00

SS- und Polizeiführer letter to P. Plechavičius, 1944 Germany 1933–1945 SS- und Polizeiführer letter to P. Plechavičius, 1944 Germany 1933–1945
Showing 9 items
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