• Antisemitic propaganda leaflet 'Front-line soldiers at Lake Sviblo and at Pustoshka'
  • Product code: 0512
  • Availability: Out of stock
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Tags: Antisemitic, propaganda, leaflet, 'Front-line, soldiers, Lake, Sviblo, and, Pustoshka', Germany, 1933–1945

German antisemitic propaganda leaflet 'Front-line soldiers at Lake Sviblo and at Pustoshka'. Rare. 


You already felt the strength of the German army. This strength is great and it hits great!
Stalin tells you about the liberation of Russia, just to drive you to certain death.
But from his order, issued on the Red Army Day, you already know that he even wants to take possession of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.
So, you have to die for the obsessed with power beast-Stalin and to be separated from your homeland and your families for years to come.
That's how you're being abused!
And you don't even receive rations due to you.
And where do those products that are not given to you go? Probably, they are being gobbled up by the Jews in the rear;
They sit in the rear and get fat at the expense of others.
Your allies are no better, only making you suffer.
The Jews and the Anglo-American capitalists want to win the war with your blood.
You have enough reasons to end it all! Quit everything and go to the woods or join German troops.
Here you will be treated well, receive enough food, and will be able to work according to your profession.
You have probably already heard from the people of the areas formerly occupied by the Germans that they lived well under our rule.
They had a peaceful life and good food.
Join Germans and save your life from certain death.
After the war ends, you all will return to your homeland.

This leaflet serves as a pass.

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